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Familia: Floris III of Holland + Ada of Huntingdon

De Rodovid ES



Floris III of Holland [Gerulfing] n. 1138? d. 1 agosto 1190

Ada of Huntingdon (of Scotland) [Dunkeld] n. ~ 1145 d. 1204


w Wilhelm I. von Holland [Gerulfinger] n. ~ 1175 d. 4 febrero 1222

Margarethe de Hollande [Gerulfing] n. 1164

Adelheid ? (of Holland) [Gerulfing]

Adelheid van Holland [Gerulfing] n. 1163? d. > 1205

Beatrix van Holland [van Holland] n. 1190 d. 1240


28 agosto 1162 matrimonio:


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