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Ratu Zarathustra ? (Zoroaster The Magi)

De Rodovid ES

Linaje (al nacer) Spitamid
Sexo Masculino
Nombre completo Ratu Zarathustra ?
Otros apellidos Zoroaster The Magi
Otros nombres Satarana, Seeradhwaja, Isimud, Astennu, Jatukarna (Puranas), Agastya, Zara-Astes

Porushaspo ? (Yimaid) [Spitamid]

Dughdova [?]

Wiki-page wikipedia:Zoroaster


nace:: Uruvat-Nara ? (Ur-Nanshe) [Spitamid]

nace:: Hvare Cithra ? (Khusrave Jethra) [Spitamid]

nace:: Freni [Spitamid]

nace:: Triti [Spitamid]

nace:: Isat Vastar ? (Siti) [Spitamid]

nace:: Pouru Chishti (Seshat) (Pu'abi Ninshakti) [Spitamid]

nace:: Хокхмах Хику-Птах (Клан Льва, Эриния Ананаки) [Sephiroth]

hecho 1: Flourished (Assyrian Dating)

ocupación laboral: Priest of Zarvana Akarana

-8140 hecho 1: Airyanem Vaējah (Ērān Wēj), Flourished (Adjusted Data according to the Common Calendar)

-6486 hecho 1: Flourished (According to Xanthus the Lydian)


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This Zoroaster not to be confused with Спітамен Бактрійський (Бактрійські, n. -365 d. -325)

Not to be confused with Ziusudra ? (Xisuthros) (?, ?)

Zoroaster was a contemporary of Semiramis I ? (Contemporary of Zarathuštra of Bactria) (Narasimhites, n. -8140 a -6000)

Zoroaster may have served as an advisor to Enkiashiku ? (Enoch) (Caduceus, ?)

The family of Sargon the Magnificent and Terach of Arzawa were Zoroastrians

Therefore Zoroaster (Zarathustra) the Magi must have lived before the great flood.

From the time of Zoroaster to the fall of Troy 15,000 years had passed. The treaty of Willusa which signaled the end of the Trojan war was signed in 1280 BCE.

This Zoroaster was the author of the now lost Zaniana Akarana "Time Without Bounds" Which now exists only as quotes variously interpreted within a variety of derivative works. An analysis of his writings indicate that Zoroaster was probably the earliest known reference to the theory of the "Big Bang" or Ormusd's Egg. He instituted the school of the Magi whose priests (with names Ostanes, Astrampsychos , Gobryas and Pazatas) persisted nearly unbroken until the Greek annexation of Persia by Alexander the Great. The records of the succession were lost in the 391 destruction of the Serapeum in Alexandria, Egypt.

In the literature of the ancient Egyptians, Zoroaster (aka Radu-Astenuu) appears in spell 17 of the Book of the Dead as one of four individuals who stood around the lake of fire at the place of judgement in Duat (Dilmunaat). In the Judgment Scene he sits upon the standard of the Great Scales, and his duty was to report to his associate Thoth when the pointer marked the middle of the beam. His name, Spitama, is associated with the "White" light of the moon.

Probable familial connections

It is likely that this universally respected individual is the ancestor of the following people:

And was worshiped among the Arabs as [Ram/Radu]

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  1. Diogenes Laertius. Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers - Quoting the scroll of Hermadorus once stored in the Library of Sarapeum in Alexandria but subsequently lost during the destruction of 391.
  2. - Satarana (the god) father of Isat-Vastar (Iset-Ashtar) is the same person as Zarathustra the father of Isat Vastar of the Zend Avesta

Desde los abuelos hasta los nietos

== 3 ==
Ratu Zarathustra ? (Zoroaster The Magi)
hecho 1: Flourished (Assyrian Dating)
ocupación laboral: Priest of Zarvana Akarana
hecho 1: -8140, Airyanem Vaējah (Ērān Wēj), Flourished (Adjusted Data according to the Common Calendar)
hecho 1: -6486, Flourished (According to Xanthus the Lydian)
== 3 ==
residencia: Aireyanum Veija, Black Sea Region
título: King of Umma
ocupación laboral: Ishib-Priest of El-Ahn
ocupación laboral: Ilumah-Priest of Nisaba
ocupación laboral: Ensigal Priest of Enlil
título: High King of Mesopotamia and Areyanum
Хокхмах Хику-Птах (Клан Льва, Эриния Ананаки)
nacimiento: Areyanum Veija
otros: Язык Птаха
otros: Премудрость Божья
matrimonio: Jama Seth (Yima Xšaēta)
Sabazeus ? (Argentaios)
residencia: Tartessos
Girsumesalim ? (Girsu-mesalim)
título: King of Kish
título: -4000?, King of Marhashi
Renenutet Lilitu (the Elder)
nacimiento: Terenuthis (Land of Night)
Zartusht (Zur-Turash) ? (Xisuthros, Grandson of Ardates [Hystaspes])
título: King of Zabalam
título: King of Suruppak
Ishtaran ? (Ish-Tarana)
título: Princess of Zabalam

Herramientas personales
Otros idiomas