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De Rodovid ES
Linaje (al nacer) | ? |
Sexo | Masculino |
Nombre completo | Abel |
nacimiento: Tel Nibru, Isin, Larag
residencia: Gebel Tjauty
título: Tainite Dynasty 00
otros: War of Vesosis and Tanausis
título: Patesi Priest
defunción: Ritual Sacrifice
entierro: Ur, tomb PG 779
El registro de esta persona debe ser fusionado con este otro registro ya existente Abel (Pueblo de las Sagradas Escrituras, n. > -3759). Si el registro más antiguo está en un idioma diferente, por favor tradúzcalo usando Otros Idiomas al editarlo. Una vez traducido debe borrar el registro actual. |
[editar] Fuentes
- ↑ Turin Royal Canon -
- ↑ Palermo Stone -
- ↑ - The Apishabel appears in the Sumerian Kings lists as the Pishdad Balih and is given a reign of 400 years.
- ↑ | War of Vesosis and Tanausis -
- ↑ - Son of Etana (Edana, Adam, Atman) in the Sumerian myth of Lord Etana
- ↑ - King of Kish
- ↑ Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by C. & G. Merriam Co - Patesi(Babylonian Antiq.) A religious as well as a secular designation applied to rulers of some of the city states of ancient Chaldea, as Lagash or Shirpurla, who were conceived to be direct representatives of the tutelary god of the place.
- ↑ Artifacts VS20, VS127 - Crescent shaped breastplates bearing the crest of a Lion belonging to Prince Beltu-sa-Res, and Princesses Nanaya and Ishtar.
- ↑ Agathias II, 25 p.119 - Beletaras the successor of Beleous and decendant of Semiramis was the steward of Elam (son of the King's gardener)
- ↑ Hamblin, William James. Warfare in the ancient Near East to 1600 BC: holy warriors at the dawn of history, p. 49. Taylor & Francis, 2006. ISBN 978-0-415-25588-2 - This source dates the burial chamber of this king to 2550 BCE. This warrants further investigation on dating since Ur lies in the flood plain and dating can be problematic.
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