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Lilith Themis (the Younger)

De Rodovid ES

Linaje (al nacer) Hetes Scepter
Sexo Femenino
Nombre completo Lilith Themis
Otros apellidos the Younger
Otros nombres Thalassa (Hurrian), Títhēmi (Ancient Greek), Lilith (Hebrew), Tiamat (Sumerian), Mehet-uret (Egyptian), Nut (Egyptian), Themis (Parthian), Tethys (Luwaii)

Girsumesalim ? (Girsu-mesalim) [Hetes Scepter]

Renenutet Lilitu (the Elder) [Spitamid]


nacimiento: Sumeria

nace:: Enmetena [Caduceus]

nace:: Wadjet [Hetes Scepter]

nace:: Ninkurra Hathor [Hetes Scepter]

nace:: Isis-Ephtah I ? (Ka-derceto, Semma-nut, Hetes Scepter) [?]


Plantilla:Mythological Plantilla:Link-type:Make-believe

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<noinclude>[| Themis] [| Lilith] [| Thalassa]

This person is mythological but appears as a Demigod in the common mythologies of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Hebrews, Assyria, and Greece. Where she is reputed to have been the wife of the First Man who equates to Adam of the Hebraic tradition.

Christian tradition does not accept the story of Lilith as a wife of Adam while, the Hebrew tradition clearly does, assigning to her the status of Demon or Fallen Angel. There is some speculation that there may have been more than one Lilith. Lilith the wife of Adam and Lilith the daughter of the pair. Some traditions even assign Eve as a daughter of Adam and Lilith however, this is not clear.

The Greek mythologies preserve the memory of Lilith as a Titan or force of nature, and the Egyptians preserve her as the Goddess Nut (Sky goddess)

Archaelogy in Mesopotamia also preserves a trace of Lilith but elaborates a bit further on the relationship by differentiating between a native and immigrant population from a land Dilmun (Early Mesopotamian Trade Partner). It must be noted that Lilith and her relationship to Adam is (as is the identity of Adam and his relationship to Even and to God) are all mythological. The earliest actual historical person who can be identified with certainty is Adam's son Cain (Seken-Ka, the Scorpion King), and Iry-Hor the son of Cain who are both preserved in both Egyptian archaeological record and Hebrew record. The identities of Scorpion's brothers (the rest of the sons of Adam) are identified through reconciliation of the Egyptian record with regard to the history of Cain as preserved in the Egyptian, Hebrew, and Greek records with those of Mesopotamia.

Desde los abuelos hasta los nietos

Хокхмах Хику-Птах (Клан Льва, Эриния Ананаки)
nacimiento: Areyanum Veija
otros: Язык Птаха
otros: Премудрость Божья
matrimonio: Jama Seth (Yima Xšaēta)
residencia: Aireyanum Veija, Black Sea Region
título: King of Umma
ocupación laboral: Ishib-Priest of El-Ahn
ocupación laboral: Ilumah-Priest of Nisaba
ocupación laboral: Ensigal Priest of Enlil
título: High King of Mesopotamia and Areyanum
Girsumesalim ? (Girsu-mesalim)
título: King of Kish
título: -4000?, King of Marhashi
Sabazeus ? (Argentaios)
residencia: Tartessos
Zartusht (Zur-Turash) ? (Xisuthros, Grandson of Ardates [Hystaspes])
título: King of Zabalam
título: King of Suruppak
Ishtaran ? (Ish-Tarana)
título: Princess of Zabalam
Renenutet Lilitu (the Elder)
nacimiento: Terenuthis (Land of Night)
== 3 ==
(Lugal) Meshulahim (I or II) of Sumeria (Mesalim)
título: King of Kish
título: Lugal-Kalama (King of the Land)
(дубль) Enanatum
título: King of Lagash
matrimonio: w Лето
título: -2550, Guardian of Gu'Edena
residencia: -2550, Gu'Edena Plain, Elam near the Ghaggar-Hakra
Lilith Themis (the Younger)
nacimiento: Sumeria
== 3 ==
Urnanshe I ? (Ur-Nanshe)
título: King of Lagash
Isis-Ephtah I ? (Ka-derceto, Semma-nut, Hetes Scepter)
residencia: Serepta (Cyprus)
título: Mother of the God
título: Consort of Apophus, Sebennytos
título: Consort of Ares
nacimiento: Tel Nibru, Isin, Larag
residencia: Gebel Tjauty
título: Tainite Dynasty 00
otros: War of Vesosis and Tanausis
título: Patesi Priest
matrimonio: Ninkurra Hathor
defunción: Ritual Sacrifice
entierro: Ur, tomb PG 779
título: King of Lagash
título: Guardian of Gu'Edena
Akhnukukh ?
residencia: E-ana, Zawiyet el-Aryan
otros: a, King of Uruk
Hur-nanshe II (Ninus) ? (Horus)
título: -2720 a -2668, King of Ahurziya - Reigned 52 years

Herramientas personales
Otros idiomas